
Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Did I mention in there, did I mention in somewhere, in there, that I traded Babe Ruth? I traded the only player bigger than the game...

Above are lyrics from an Ani Difranco tune. Not sure exactly what she meant, but for some reason they reasonate with me at this moment... Maybe it's the "bigger" part... I am leaving for Africa shortly. I had to buy size 20 lightweight pants (how's that for an oxymoron) for the trip - that is pretty fat for a women's size. Which means I'm pretty fat right now, and have been since the doctoral gig. I feel like I'm in a fat suit - like that Shallow Hal movie - my trim self is somewhere inside, still. But I've put on lots of padding in the past few years, to protect me from the slings and arrows of outrageous academic fortune and intimate relations... Size 20, and about 220 lbs. 20 is not a good number for me. Fat by any standards... Fat, but cute. Cute, but with borderline high blood pressure and cholesterol. Time to lose the fat.... Maybe I too should trade my Babe Ruth, for a Slim Fast bar, and get back to my size 12 self.

What are my other horrible truths? How about this - on my honeymoon with my (female) partner (we married in Canada), I kissed a stranger, and a male one at that. She was tired so I went out by myself (that should tell you volumes about our relationship). I have major bisexuality - sometimes I even fret that I might be a repressed heterosexual. I got drunk and some guy that I was talking with kissed me. I left the bar, but still...

Ah, speaking of bars. I love beer. I mean I really love it. Me and a six pack and some good video entertainment (a fav show or a fine flick) is one of my fav ways to spend a night. I can't recall if I've blogged about how my spouse left me and our house to go to grad school out of state. We're still together but living apart. But, I don't know what's going to happen when we live together again, because I like have my six pack nights and she doesn't drink, she can't because it was a problem for her...

I guess these are not of the darkest darkness you'll ever see... but they're dark truths for me...


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