
Saturday, May 29, 2004

Post Test Reflections...

Well, it is over with. I think I botched the data analysis section and probably the findings/results section - I may be the second person in the history of the doctoral program to flunk the exam twice... I had the the thought that I wished I'd never entered the program when I was crying on Les after the test, but then I considered the thought and realized it wasn't true... the joys brought me outweigh the pain, even in a worst case scenario (I flunk again and get kicked out). I have met some amazing souls, I've really loved learning, and I got to stay home with my animals and get paid a stipend to study for a year and a half, as well as have my tuition paid for. Not a bad gig, all said and done, no matter what the outcome of the test...

So, if I'm ejected, what shall my next gig be?? Hmmmmmmm... I'm sick of the lotto question... I know I'll get a decent paying gig so that Les and I can get a house and she can have an art studio space... I suppose I'll do some sort of therapy gig, or maybe I could do a hodge podge of contracting work (grant writing and clinical). I could start my own practice for CBT/psychosis - maybe I could work out of CFC... dunno... but to do that I'd have to get my ass to England for some real training... or I could ask ani if she wants to start an alternative community foundation for Buffalo... she might like that.

Oh, did I mention that Les found a lump in my left breast?! That makes the health insurance issue a bit sticky, and of course can't get on Leslie's because of same sex unions not being legally recognized... never mind that we've been together for years and are in word and deed each other's next of kin - according to the good ol' USA, we are 'legal strangers' and I cannot access health insurance benefits through her employer...

Enough on that... I'm trying to cheer myself by thinking of all the options that I may manifest... hmmm... I don't really like fund-raising. But consulting... maybe... maybe Roberta and I should start a consulting business... I could check with Judy Simpson re: how she did hers... or... I could work at the Wellness Center...

Being a therapist sounds fun... maybe I could get certified in CBT... and then train in England...

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