
Monday, May 24, 2004

Of obsessions and dogs...

Cinder is yelping - I think that means that there are worker people here to finish the front side walk. I shall remain hidden in my pjs in the back room, and continue to avoid studying for my doctoral qualifying exam take II by writing in my blog. Such are the perils and/or fringe benefits of doggy sitting.

Cinder is a large, black pitbull/lab mix. Her people rescued her.... now she's eating toilet paper - where she found the tp I'm not sure - hopefully she has not unravelled a roll somewhere. She has large ears that stand up on her big head and sort of punctuate her sweet smiling face - she sort of looks like a gremlin. There is a scar around her neck, from where the collar she was wearing when they found her on the street had grown into her skin.

Zuni is the other dog I'm watching. She is more like a cat, with regards to personality. She looks like a chubby coyote. She is very old, and she has her own room (she took over the guest room) where she spends most of her time sleeping behind the guest bed. She has arthritis, and takes medications which I've been hiding in Einstein's salmon cream cheese to get her to take. She has trouble getting up the back stairs of the deck, so I lift her hind-end up and we 'wheel barrel' up the stairs. This morning we didn't get it quite right the first time - she fell over and cried out and I felt terrible. But she got right back up and resumed the 'wheel barrel' position, and the second time we got it right. She is too big and heavy for me to lift, and I don't know whether she'd let me, anyway. Alas, I suppose the 'wheel barrel' method will suffice.

My little Jazzie dog is with us - he is a small, feisty terrier mix, black and white - and perhaps the great love of my life - I found him running in the street just a couple of blocks from where Roberta found Cinder. Now he's barking too ... Yep, it's the sidewalk people.

Jazzie is the healthiest obsession I've ever had. I never want to be obsessed with a human again. I've told my partner this on more than one occassion. I love my partner dearly, but I'm not obsessed and never have been in the five years we've been together. Prior to Jazzie, I spent nearly a decade obsessed. My obsessions consisted of the sad cliches of wanting people who didn't want me (that'd be Doug; my obsession with him lasted about 4 years) and/or people who were already in committed relationships (that'd be Roberta, which lasted about 6 years, but eventually morphed into a fine friendship in which we double-date with our partners and watch each other's dogs). Melissa says that Roberta and I are like a french movie; I guess that is one way of explaining our connection. (I often think of my life as a movie, but more like a cheesy b-movie or a really low-budget indy flick...)

And then there's my ex, Renee, who was obsessed with me rather than the other way around... Renee literally had a psychotic break when I broke it off... obsessions suck. They are energy and sanity-siphoning - no wonder I'm interested in CBT!!! Let's hear it for thought-stopping techniques!!!!

That garbage-eating troll dog opened the trash can and took tp out of it!!! The can has one of those foot (and/or apparently paw) pedal devices that opens the lid...

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